
Holy Cow!! There are less than 4 weeks left

until my due date. Where has the time gone? I am so not ready for her to arrive. I have so much to get done and just no energy to do it. Thank goodness Dave is being such a big help as well as my mom and dad. Dave is actually doing laundry for me, well separating it and throwing it in the wash. I am still folding it but that is okay.
I am just hoping the next 4 weeks go by smoothly and nothing happens too early. If it does though she should be okay because they estimate her to be 6 lbs already.


OMG, the cost to help the environment

So, as you know from my previous post I enjoy watching Planet Green. Even before watching this channel I knew how benefitial solar panels are for your home and how you can basically make your electric meter turn backwards from harnessing the sun's energy.

Since we are building up next year on the house I thought now would be a good time to look into the option of adding solar panels to the house to help cut our expenses on electric. Well in my initial findings I found that it would cost about $35,000 to get the panels. I was shocked at the cost. I had been hoping they would help heat the house and heat the pool in the summer. So, now I am on to looking into green roofing to see if that is an option to help reduce our energy needs.


New Favorite Channel

I have recently discovered a new channel that I have added to my list of favorites or ones I will always tune to to see what is on. And that channel is Planet Green. It is really a great channel and I have learned a bunch of eco-friendly things to do and how to do things better for the environment. Yesterday I was watching a program and learned how horrible gel shaving creams are and plan to stop using them and switch to good old soap and water. In the gel there are the same ingredients used to make napalm; not something I want to be rubbing on my skin anymore.
If you can find it in your cable/satellite offerings check it out.


Where is Karma???

In the past 2 weeks I have done two good deeds for my fellow neighbors, but have not seen something good in return, in fact the opposite has happened.

The Sunday after we came back from vacation I saw a little white dog wandering up and down our street, a dog I didn't recognize so I got in my car to follow it and when I found it again it let me approach it and I saw that it didn't have a collar on. So I took it home to try and give it some water as it was really hot out that day. Got the boys and Dave in the car and we drove around the neighbors asking certain people if they knew who owned the dog. Finally we found the owner and returned the dog to her.
Then last week when I was going grocery shopping I noticed a checkbook laying in the middle of the road. So I stopped and picked it up. Luckily the checks had the owner's name and address on them so I drove to return the checkbook to the owner. Still don't know how someone's checkbook ends up in the middle of the street about 1/4 mile from their home.

So those were my two good deeds and I really didn't expect anything special or nice to happen in return it just felt good to help someone. Well I really wasn't ready for what happened to me this past Thursday. My mom and I had gone to the outlets with the boys and on our way home after turning into our development something came flying and hit my windshield, scaring everyone. At first I thought it was a water balloon, but after stopping and pulling over I realized it was an egg as I saw shells on the street and could tell by the splatter on my car. I then proceeded to go look in the backyard of the house that it happened in front of but there was no one back there. So I proceeded to the front door to talk to the parents and tell them what happened. Of course no one answered the door, but there were three kids' bikes laying on the front lawn so I knew someone was there. We left and proceeded home. Luckily a neighbor of ours is friends with my mom and he was kind enough to clean the egg off of my car before it got "cooked" on anymore.
That night Dave went over to the house 3 different times to speak to someone but no one ever answered the door. He tried again on Friday and Saturday and got the same results. He will try again tonight and if the same results happen then a letter will be written.

It was quite scary and when we stopped there on Saturday Dylan didn't want us to because he was afraid it would happen again.


It looks like a moose

Monday Dylan had his quarterly appoitnment with his endocrinologist (diabetes doctor)--everything is going well and we are doing a good job with him. Anyway while we are in the room and talking with the doctor I hear Dylan say to grandma (grandma came to help keep Aidan under control), "it looks like a moose". At first we weren't sure what he was talking about but then he said "parts of the body in that picture look like a moose's head". On the back of the door there is a picture of the human body with certain organs shown. The ones he was referring to was a woman's uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. It made us chuckle and the doctor agreed with him that it did indeed look like a moose's head. Grandma then told him that his sister was growing inside the moose's head.

I still can't get it out of my head and will now always think my reproductive organs look like a moose's head.


OMG, 26.

A little less than 2 weeks ago I was getting lunch ready and had to test Dylan before he eat. He was acting normal and hadn't done any reall physical activity that morning. I tested him, looked at the meter and saw 26!!!!! I was in shock, literally. I sort of started to panic because that is a seriously low number for him. I quickly grabbed the glucose tablet bottle and gave him two and told him to sit on the floor and relax and let the tablets kick in. He kept arguing with me about it because he was hungry and wanted to eat; of course he was hungry his sugar level was 26 (remember he should be between 100 and 200). I convinced him to sit down on the floor and wait a few minutes. Then I let him get up and tested him again after 10 minutes and he was only 54. I let him start eating but as he was eating his eyes began to droop and it looked like he was going to pass out. I kept talking to him and rubbing his head to keep him awake. Decided to give him another glucose tab and some juice to get him higher. Eventually he was more awake and was onto the second half of his sandwich. I gave him his shot and he asked me what had happened to his other part of his sandwich. He was so out of it that he didn't remember eating the first half. Quite scary.

It took me awhile to write this because it was pretty upsetting for me to experience. And I pray he never goes that low again.


Ducks in the pool

I think it was the day after we opened the pool we discovered a male and female duck standing near the edge of the pool around 7:00 am. Once I opened our bedroom window to get a better look they flew away. The next day they were swimming in the water; again just opening the window scared them off. We had thought that maybe once the water was cleaner (it was a bit dingy after removing the cover) it would have no appeal to them. Well we were wrong.
During that week I saw them a couple of times, but not every morning, either in the water or standing along the side. Dave was talking to our neighbor behind us one night and she told him that she has found them under a bush on the side of their house so they might have a nest there.
This past weekend we saw them standing along the edge again and this time let Baxter out to scare them. Well all they did when he got near them was jump in the water. Of course Baxter won't go in the pool so they swam around for a bit until Dave turned the filter on and then they flew off.
Didn't see them for a couple of days until yesterday when I saw just the female swimming in the pool. I banged something on the patio and it scared her off. But evidently now the filter being on doesn't scare them off. This morning Baxter woke us up at 5:00 am barking at the sliding glass doors and low and behold when I looked out the window I could see the silhouette of a duck. Eventually it flew away. But then around 8:00 I saw the female standing on the edge and yelled at it until it flew away.
Did some research and discovered that usually a dog will scare them away for good after a few times of the dog going after them or the dog needs to go into the water after them (of course Baxter would never do this). I also read that it is suggested we float beach balls and other pool floaties in the pool and/or string mylar tape across the pool or some fishing line to distract them from landing in the water. So tomorrow I am off to the stores to buy some stuff.

No more pacifier

So I finally decided to get rid of Aidan's pacifier over Memorial Day weekend. The first couple of nights and naps went okay with him crying just a few minutes and then going quiet. He would sleep through the whole night without a problem and took his normal nap without a problem.

But after a few days of things going that way I thought it would get better, but it wasn't, it was actually getting worse. He would scream for 15-20 minutes at a time until he would finally quiet down. And now for the past week or so he gives us a hard time whenever we say it is night, night time or nap time. He used to go so willingly and easily. Now when we try to read to him or sing to him before we put him in the crib he fights us to get out of the room. Then when we finally put him in the crib he screams for about 10 minutes and then is fine and will sometimes talk until he goes to sleep.

I just thought that by now things would be so much easier and he wouldn't put up such a fight. I am praying that this doesn't continue until we switch him over to a bed because then I am sure he will not stay in the bed and will continuously get up.

Never thought it would be this long of a process; we are going on almost 2 weeks now.


"Why is Jesus on the cross?"

Yesterday was Reid's (my cousin's son) christening and I was the godmother so Dylan and Aidan sat with Dave and my parents. Well Adian got to a point where he just kept whining "momma, momma" so Dave had to take him outside. So Dylan sat with Grandma and I found out after the ceremony that Dylan asked my mom, "Why is Jesus on the cross and why did he die?" My mom told me she wasn't sure what to tell him so I told him that Jesus died so that we could all get in to heaven. He then asked why he was on the cross so I told him, "Way back then they used to put bad people there and they thought Jesus was bad". This led to Dylan asking, "what kind of bad people, what did they do?" I told him, "bad people like those people that steal things and those that aren't nice to others". Thank goodness this ended the discussion and he moved onto something else. The kid really keeps you on your toes.


15 weeks

Well as you all know by now I am pregnant with baby #3 and today marks 15 weeks. I am amazed at how much of the pregnancy has gone by already. Probably because I kept wishing for the first trimester to be over because I was so miserable with nausea. Now I am at that in-between stage where I no longer have the nausea as a reminder that I am pregnant and I am not yet feeling the baby move. For me, after having 2 miscarriages, I tend to worry when there is nothing to reassure me that all is well. So now I am wishing/hoping for the days when I can feel the baby, or as we refer to him/her, "pumpkin" move.
My next appointment is May 15 when I will have the opportunity to hear the heart beat and then after that my next appointment in mid-June is for the big 20 wk ultrasound when we will find out the sex. Yes, this time we have chosen to know ahead of time. That date can't come soon enough for me :)


Mighty Putty

So, this morning before The Backyardigans came on there was a commercial for Mighty Putty (commercials on Nickelodeon is one reason I don't like the channel). For those that don't know what Mighty Putty is here is their site https://www.mightyputty.com/spark/index.php?tag=mpsc100
Anyway after watching part of the commercial Dylan said "Mighty Putty is cool, how does it do that?" I told him not to believe everything he sees on commercials. From now on I will try not to tune into that channel until exactly 9:00 to avoid more impressionable ads like those for toys :)


OMG....I am 35

Yes, it finally dawned on me a week after my birthday that I am 35 years old. Can hardly believe it.
It was a nice birthday; I go some cards in the mail and gifts. I got a great gift from Dylan, Aidan and Dave.....I got a Nano Ipod. Was really shocked because I had mentioned it awhile ago on how it would be nice to have one so I don't have to always bring the boys' CDs back and forth from the car to the house and back again. Now I just need to read how to use it. Wish me luck! :)
Now that I am an old lady I need to go and get some rest.



To help reduce our contribution to the amount of garbage in this world I have decided to switch Aidan over from disposable diapers to gDiapers. I would love to do cloth but thought this transition would work best for us.

For those who are unfamiliar with what a gdiaper is here is info directly from their site:

"gDiapers consist of a washable, cotton outer pant and a plastic free flushable refill. They are made of breathable material just like sports clothing. So, babies stay dry and happy and are far less likely to get diaper rash.
Can't flush? It's ok to toss flushable refills because they're plastic-free. Or garden compost the wet ones. They'll break down in 50-150 days"

I started with a starter kit and found them to be easy to use so now I have ordered more and hopefully Aidan will be wearing them all the time (except at night when I will continue to use overnight disposables).

The thing I like best about the gdiapers is that I can still throw them out when they are too messy to flush and not worry about them taking up a lot of space or not biodegrading quickly. And once I get my compost pile started this spring I will be tossing them in there. And I just LOVE how cute Aidan looks in them:


The things he says/asks

Today I was putting Dylan in for a nap and I am not sure how the conversation started but here is how it went
Dylan: "God made me special" (he has listened to a Veggie Tale CD that is titled this)
Me: "Yes he did"
Dylan: "How did God make me?"
Me: "He put you in Mommy's belly"
Dylan: "And you took pictures"
Me (after realizing he is referring to the ultrasound pics on my dresser): "Mommy's doctor has a special camera that took those pictures of you and Aidan"
Dylan: "Did I see God?"
Me: "No, noone really sees God? Can we stop talking about this now?"
Dylan: "No. How did God put me in your belly?"
Me: "I don't know. God does things that we don't always know how he does them"
Dylan: "Does he have a magic wand?"
Me (sort of laughing): "No, he is magical and somehow puts babies inside Mommies. OK?"
Dylan: "Ok"

There have been some other things he has said that are comical, like one day in a conversation at lunch I told Dave that I had chocolate on my mind and Dylan said "I don't see any chocolate Mommy"
Then another time when having lunch with Grandpa Dylan was doing some annoying things and I said to him, "Dylan, you know you are really pushing the envelope" and he said "Where's the envelope?"


9 1/2"

That is how much was cut off of my hair Friday afternoon. I had decided awhile ago when my hair was getting long to grow it and donate it. Well it finally got to the length where I could cut it and make the donation. So on Friday afternoon I put my hair in a ponytail that measured 9.5" and told Michelle to go ahead and cut it. I am donating the hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program. Here is a before and after picture. I never really did realize how long my hair was.


Dylan draws

Yesterday after dinner Dylan, Aidan and I were playing with their Magna Doodle. I decided to try and see if Dylan could copy pictures/symbols that I drew first. Well after doing circles, squares, and plus signs I drew a smiley face (mine is on the right) and then Dylan drew one of his own. I was quite impressed since he has never really drawn anything before.



My bulbs that is.

Yesterday when we came back from a trip to Target I noticed that my crocus and daffodil bulbs have sprouted their little green stems already. I guess the mild temps the past couple of weeks have confused them as to the time of year. I don't remember the last time I actually got my crocuses to bloom in the spring. They always bloom in February/March. This is the first year I have seen the daffodils come up early. And of course we are due for a snow storm tonight.


Another stomach bug, another trip to the ER

This past Sunday Dylan, Aidan and I came down with a stomach bug. I didn't have it nearly as bad the boys. Aidan has had it the worse and is finally coming around to feeling like himself again. Still not eating a whole lot, but that is to be expected.
Dylan just had the one night of being sick and the neck day was just laying around and eating ice pops to help his sugar levels and settle his stomach. On Tuesday Dave was home again (thank goodness as I wasn't 100%) and Dylan was eating some of his meals. Then yesterday came and DYlan just didn't want to eat anything so for the entire day I was chasing low sugar levels. The poor kid didn't even want to drink Coke, have candy, juice, or anything special that was sugary. Between lunch time and 9:00 at night we ended up having to give him 2 emergency mini doses of glucagon just to have his liver kick out some sugar to get his levels up. But of course there is a catch 22 in that since he hadn't eaten much all day (did eate a little bi of dinner and 3/4 of his bedtime snack) he didn't have much extra sugar in his liver to release. So last night at 9:30 when he was 52 and we couldn't get him much higher than 70 and he was absolutely refusing to put anything in his mouth Dave drove him to the ER.
Once Dave got to the ER his levels were just above 100 (guess the bedtime snack was starting to finally kick in). They stayed for about 2 hours for observation and then were home by 12:30 and his level at that point was in the low 200s.
So now today he is on very little insulin because he still doesn't want to eat. I am just hoping that I don't see any lows later today. And that Aidan is finally rid of this nasty bug.

I told Dave that we have to just accept the fact that whenever Dylan gets some sort of bad stomach bug that he will probably end up in the ER for them to help regulate his levels back to normal. At least it will be that way until he is old enough to understand how important it is to eat/drink something when he is so low no matter how bad he feels.

I am also hoping and praying that Dave continues to be immune to the bug. He was such a wonderful husband and father taking care of all of us on Monday and Tuesday and we were lucky that he was able to take the time off of work.