
9 1/2"

That is how much was cut off of my hair Friday afternoon. I had decided awhile ago when my hair was getting long to grow it and donate it. Well it finally got to the length where I could cut it and make the donation. So on Friday afternoon I put my hair in a ponytail that measured 9.5" and told Michelle to go ahead and cut it. I am donating the hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program. Here is a before and after picture. I never really did realize how long my hair was.


Dylan draws

Yesterday after dinner Dylan, Aidan and I were playing with their Magna Doodle. I decided to try and see if Dylan could copy pictures/symbols that I drew first. Well after doing circles, squares, and plus signs I drew a smiley face (mine is on the right) and then Dylan drew one of his own. I was quite impressed since he has never really drawn anything before.



My bulbs that is.

Yesterday when we came back from a trip to Target I noticed that my crocus and daffodil bulbs have sprouted their little green stems already. I guess the mild temps the past couple of weeks have confused them as to the time of year. I don't remember the last time I actually got my crocuses to bloom in the spring. They always bloom in February/March. This is the first year I have seen the daffodils come up early. And of course we are due for a snow storm tonight.


Another stomach bug, another trip to the ER

This past Sunday Dylan, Aidan and I came down with a stomach bug. I didn't have it nearly as bad the boys. Aidan has had it the worse and is finally coming around to feeling like himself again. Still not eating a whole lot, but that is to be expected.
Dylan just had the one night of being sick and the neck day was just laying around and eating ice pops to help his sugar levels and settle his stomach. On Tuesday Dave was home again (thank goodness as I wasn't 100%) and Dylan was eating some of his meals. Then yesterday came and DYlan just didn't want to eat anything so for the entire day I was chasing low sugar levels. The poor kid didn't even want to drink Coke, have candy, juice, or anything special that was sugary. Between lunch time and 9:00 at night we ended up having to give him 2 emergency mini doses of glucagon just to have his liver kick out some sugar to get his levels up. But of course there is a catch 22 in that since he hadn't eaten much all day (did eate a little bi of dinner and 3/4 of his bedtime snack) he didn't have much extra sugar in his liver to release. So last night at 9:30 when he was 52 and we couldn't get him much higher than 70 and he was absolutely refusing to put anything in his mouth Dave drove him to the ER.
Once Dave got to the ER his levels were just above 100 (guess the bedtime snack was starting to finally kick in). They stayed for about 2 hours for observation and then were home by 12:30 and his level at that point was in the low 200s.
So now today he is on very little insulin because he still doesn't want to eat. I am just hoping that I don't see any lows later today. And that Aidan is finally rid of this nasty bug.

I told Dave that we have to just accept the fact that whenever Dylan gets some sort of bad stomach bug that he will probably end up in the ER for them to help regulate his levels back to normal. At least it will be that way until he is old enough to understand how important it is to eat/drink something when he is so low no matter how bad he feels.

I am also hoping and praying that Dave continues to be immune to the bug. He was such a wonderful husband and father taking care of all of us on Monday and Tuesday and we were lucky that he was able to take the time off of work.